ออมสินปล่อยกู้ ธนาคารประชาชนสำหรับผู้มีบัตรสวัสดิการแห่งรัฐ กู้ไม่เกิน50,000 บาท กู้ต่ำสุด10,000บาท
Cloud forest? To those unfamiliar with the term, it conjures up images of a mysterious fairy tale setting where a princess sits locked in the mist obscured tower of a beautiful castle. In reality, it's just as magical and rare. In fact, cloud forest characterizes only one percent of the earth's forests, but at the higher elevations of the upper montane in Ecuador, cloud forests are even more rare.
from: http://ezinearticles.com/?Discover-A-Fairytale-In-The-Cloud-Forest-of-Ecuador&id=8123188